How Does Youtube Bloggers Get Paid?

So you’ve probably watched countless YouTube videos, and maybe you’ve even thought about starting your own channel one day. But have you ever wondered how those YouTube bloggers actually get paid? In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the various ways that YouTubers earn money, from ad revenue to brand partnerships and beyond. Discover the secrets behind the financial success of these online content creators and learn how they turn their passion for creating videos into a lucrative career.


Advertisements on videos

When it comes to earning money on YouTube, one of the most common ways is through advertisements on videos. These ads are displayed before, during, or after a video and can be either skippable or non-skippable. Skippable ads allow viewers to skip the ad after a few seconds, while non-skippable ads force viewers to watch the entire ad. The revenue generated from these ads is a significant source of income for many YouTubers.

Types of ads

There are various types of ads that can appear on YouTube videos. The most common ones include display ads, overlay ads, skippable video ads, non-skippable video ads, and sponsored cards. Display ads are shown next to the video and can be either banner or square-shaped. Overlay ads appear at the bottom of the video and can be closed by viewers. Skippable and non-skippable video ads play before or during the video, while sponsored cards are displayed within the video and provide relevant product information. Each type of ad has different revenue potential based on factors like viewer engagement and ad length.

Ad revenue sharing

YouTube operates on an ad revenue sharing system, where creators receive a portion of the revenue generated from ads shown on their videos. The exact percentage varies but generally ranges from 55% to 70% of the total ad revenue. This means that for every dollar earned through ads, the creator typically receives a significant share. The ad revenue sharing model is a great way for YouTubers to monetize their content and support their channel growth.


Brand partnerships

Another popular way for YouTubers to earn money is through brand partnerships. This involves collaborating with brands to create sponsored content, promoting their products or services to their audience. Brand partnerships often take the form of dedicated videos or segments, where the YouTuber showcases the brand’s offerings and provides their honest opinion or review. These partnerships can be lucrative, as brands are willing to pay significant sums of money to tap into the YouTuber’s reach and influence.

Product placements

Product placements are a type of sponsorship where a YouTuber integrates a brand’s product or service into their video content. This can be done subtly, such as casually using or mentioning the product during a video, or more explicitly, where the product is the main focus of the content. Product placements can be an effective way for YouTubers to earn money, as they often receive compensation from the brand in exchange for featuring their product. However, it is essential for creators to ensure transparency and disclose any sponsored content to maintain their audience’s trust.


Promotions are similar to brand partnerships, but they involve short-term collaborations or promotions specific to a certain campaign or event. YouTubers may partner with brands to promote limited-time offers, giveaways, or special events to their audience. These promotions often come with financial compensation for the creator and can also provide opportunities for their viewers to benefit from exclusive offers or discounts. Promotions can be an exciting way for YouTubers to engage their audience and earn income through partnerships.

How Does Youtube Bloggers Get Paid?

YouTube Premium

Subscription-based revenue

YouTube Premium is a subscription-based service offered by YouTube that allows users to enjoy an ad-free viewing experience and access exclusive content. As a YouTuber, you can earn a portion of the revenue generated from YouTube Premium subscriptions. When YouTube Premium users watch your videos, the revenue generated is distributed among creators based on factors such as watch time and engagement. This type of revenue stream provides stability and can contribute to a steady income for YouTubers, especially those with a loyal and engaged viewer base.

Ad-free content

One of the main benefits of YouTube Premium is the ability to watch videos without any ads. This can enhance the viewing experience for users and create a more enjoyable environment for content creators. By offering ad-free content, YouTubers can cater to viewers who prefer uninterrupted watching, making their videos more appealing and potentially attracting a larger audience.

Creators’ revenue share

YouTube Premium operates on a revenue-sharing model, similar to ad revenue sharing. By being a part of YouTube Premium, YouTubers can earn a share of the revenue generated by the subscription fees paid by users. The exact percentage of the revenue share varies, but it provides an additional source of income for creators beyond traditional ad revenue. This financial support can enable YouTubers to continue creating high-quality content and invest in their channels’ growth.

Fan Funding

Channel memberships

Channel memberships are a form of fan funding that allows viewers to support their favorite YouTubers by subscribing to their channel with a monthly fee. In return, members gain access to exclusive perks such as badges, emojis, or members-only content. Channel memberships provide a direct connection between content creators and their most dedicated fans, creating a sense of community and allowing viewers to contribute financially to the YouTuber’s success.

Super Chat

Super Chat is a feature that allows viewers to make monetary donations during a live stream or Premiere on YouTube. By purchasing a Super Chat, viewers can have their messages highlighted and pinned at the top of the chat for a certain duration, making their support more visible to the YouTuber and the entire audience. Super Chat provides a way for viewers to show their appreciation and have their voices heard, while at the same time providing additional income for the YouTuber hosting the live stream or Premiere.

Super Stickers

Super Stickers are another way for viewers to financially support their favorite YouTubers. By purchasing and sending Super Stickers during live chats or Premiere streams, viewers can express their enthusiasm and directly contribute to the creator’s earnings. Super Stickers offer a range of animated stickers for viewers to choose from, making the interaction fun and engaging. This feature not only helps creators monetarily but also enhances the overall viewer experience during live events.

How Does Youtube Bloggers Get Paid?


Selling merchandise

Many YouTubers take advantage of their brand and audience loyalty by selling merchandise related to their channel. This can include items such as t-shirts, hoodies, hats, and other merchandise featuring their logo or catchphrases. By selling merchandise, YouTubers can not only generate additional income but also strengthen their connection with their audience. Fans who wear or use the YouTuber’s merchandise become ambassadors for the channel, effectively promoting it to a wider audience.

Merch shelf integration

YouTube offers a feature called Merch shelf integration, which allows YouTubers to showcase their merchandise directly below their videos. By integrating their online store with YouTube, creators can make it convenient for their viewers to browse and purchase their merchandise without leaving the platform. This seamless integration encourages impulse buying and can lead to increased sales and revenue for YouTubers. The Merch shelf is a valuable tool for content creators looking to monetize their channel beyond ad revenue and sponsorships.

Affiliate Marketing

Promoting products and earning commission

Affiliate marketing is a strategy where YouTubers promote products or services on their channel and earn a commission for every sale made through their unique affiliate link. This can be done by creating dedicated videos or including affiliate links in video descriptions or on their channel’s website. By partnering with affiliate programs, YouTubers can choose products or services that align with their content and audience, increasing the likelihood of conversions and earning potential. Affiliate marketing provides an opportunity for creators to diversify their income and earn money in a way that is closely tied to their niche or interests.



Patreon is a popular crowdfunding platform that enables YouTubers to receive ongoing financial support from their fans. It operates on a subscription-based model, where fans pledge a certain amount of money per creation or on a monthly basis. In return, supporters gain access to exclusive content, behind-the-scenes updates, or other perks depending on the creator’s offerings. Patreon allows YouTubers to build a community of dedicated fans who are willing to contribute to their success, providing a reliable source of income and the ability to create content that goes beyond what traditional revenue streams alone can support.


Kickstarter is a crowdfunding platform that focuses on helping creators bring their projects to life by securing funding from their audience. This can include projects such as videos, short films, documentaries, or other creative endeavors. YouTubers can use Kickstarter to raise funds for specific projects they want to pursue, allowing them to involve their audience in the creative process and offer unique rewards in return for financial support. Kickstarter can provide not only the necessary funds but also help generate buzz and build anticipation among the YouTuber’s audience.


GoFundMe is a crowdfunding platform that enables YouTubers to raise funds for personal or charitable causes. YouTubers can create campaigns to support a variety of needs, such as equipment upgrades, travel expenses, or charity initiatives they are passionate about. By sharing their campaign with their audience and leveraging their influence, YouTubers can generate contributions from their viewers who want to support their endeavors. GoFundMe provides an avenue for YouTubers to receive financial assistance from their community, helping them overcome obstacles and pursue their creative aspirations.

Brand Deals

Promoting brands

Brand deals involve YouTubers partnering with companies to promote their products or services. The YouTuber may create dedicated videos or sponsored content where they highlight the brand’s offerings and engage their audience. Brand deals are often sought after by YouTubers as they can offer substantial financial compensation and the opportunity to collaborate with well-known brands. These partnerships can be a win-win situation for both parties, as the YouTuber gains income, and the brand reaches a wider audience through the influencer’s endorsement.

Sponsored content

Sponsored content refers to videos or segments where YouTubers showcase or discuss products or services in exchange for financial compensation. These collaborations can be short-term or long-term, and they range from simple mentions or demonstrations to more elaborate integrations within the content. Sponsored content allows YouTubers to monetize their channel while providing valuable information and recommendations to their audience. It is important for YouTubers to maintain transparency and disclose any sponsored content to ensure their viewers’ trust and loyalty.

Book Deals

Publishing books

For YouTubers who have established a significant following, publishing a book can be a lucrative opportunity. By leveraging their existing audience, YouTubers can offer their fans a more in-depth exploration of their content in book form. Whether it’s a memoir, self-help book, or educational guide, publishing a book allows YouTubers to expand their reach beyond the digital space and tap into a different market. Moreover, book sales can provide a substantial source of revenue, especially if the YouTuber’s audience transfers their support from the online platform to the printed page.

E-book sales

In addition to traditional physical books, YouTubers can also publish e-books. E-books are digital versions of books that can be read on devices such as e-readers, tablets, or smartphones. E-books offer several advantages for YouTubers, including lower production costs, ease of distribution, and the potential for higher profit margins. By self-publishing e-books, YouTubers have complete control over their content and can earn a higher percentage of each sale compared to traditional publishing deals. E-book sales can provide a steady stream of passive income for YouTubers while expanding their reach to a global audience.

Public Speaking Engagements

Keynote speeches

As YouTubers gain a significant following and establish themselves as experts in their respective fields, they may receive invitations to deliver keynote speeches at conferences, events, or universities. Keynote speeches allow YouTubers to share their knowledge, insights, and experiences with a live audience, while also earning a substantial fee for their time and expertise. Delivering a powerful keynote speech can further elevate the YouTuber’s brand and open doors to additional opportunities, such as consulting or media appearances.

Panel discussions

Panel discussions are another form of public speaking engagement that YouTubers may participate in. These discussions typically involve a group of experts or influencers who share their perspectives on a specific topic or industry. By being part of a panel, YouTubers can showcase their expertise, engage in intellectual conversations, and contribute to the collective wisdom of the audience. Panel discussions provide exposure to a wider audience and can lead to networking opportunities and collaborations with other influencers or industry professionals.